howdy y'all

you've made it

(i wasn't expecting company yet, but that just makes it the more delightful)

don't be shy. mi casapage es su casapage.

texty things

i don't want this page to feel lonely, so you can read some words here. when they pack up and move out of the homepage to start their e-lives elsewhere, i'll let you know.

note: i'm still playing with format, words, texture. laugh at me, please. it only makes me stronger.


hawt soundz 4 kool earz

(if you can't hear it, perhaps your ears need to get kooler first)


i always struggle with where i should start

that's silly, i've done it, ta-da.
  thank you for coming to my fred talk

okay i googled it just now, and the consensus is
  "the best place to start is the beginning"
        (from the people who brought you
        "we all put our pants on one leg at a time")
ah, hashtag relateable, right?
  platitudes and gratitudes and soccer mom attitudes
      alright, you can live love laugh at me here but i'm serious

what's the phobia for when you have a crippling fear of starting fresh?

because i don't get scared of almost anything
        (i've driven in houston, don't at me)
but what i'm doing now, with the careful hunt and pecking
  in the service of making pixels light up
  to form the shape of a coherent monologue?

it sends chills down my slouch-ridden spine

my fingers hover over blank pages, like a sword of damocles
        (what i really need is a mightier pen)
i spend so much time anguishing over the best way to keep a clean slate,
    i never even get it dirty in the first place
      i have never started a writing project
    that i didn't like better mint-in-box
i could harp on about it but i'm more of a glockenspiel guy;
  chime in if this sounds familiar

my dilemma:
    i want so badly to be a responsible webpage owner
    but i face choice paralysis trying tp figure out
    which direction i want to go with it
my solution:
    burn the html to the ground every six months
    so i can claim the homepageowner's insurance
    and move across country to step three profit??
bonus lifehack:
    you'll never have to write the obligatory
    awkward and transparent "sorry for the long hiatus,
    school break next week, more coming soon!" blog post
    if you pretend you didn't exist

so why bother?
  (i don't hear anybody asking)
save yourself the embarrassment and just quit while you're ahead
  (they didn't say)
nobody knows who you are, you lucky bastard
  (a whisper on the wind)
why not keep it that way?
  (somebody standing directly in the middle of my skull)
zoom out with me, if you will,
  until we've gotten out of my head
        (if only it were so ctrl-minus simple)
  and back into the internet at large
and it is very large, indeed, but i know my way around
  and can hang ten with the best of them
i've been a proud printmaster card-carrying netizen my entire life

i've seen the web done well,
    and poorly,
        and (worst of all)

and i've gotta say, from what i've witnessed lately,
  i'm not disappointed
      - just mad
in the span of my millennial lifetime,
  the world wild west has become a concrete corporate wasteland
    community gardens and childhood parks are easily paved over
  family-owned bodegas bought out, rebranded, and shuttered at a loss
    generations of graffiti,
      entire lineages of street art powerwashed from existence

it's hard to make a mark when everybody else is leaning out their apartment windows
  and yelling that they're more unique and marketable than the idiot next door
    it's almost too boring and sad to be dystopian

but the prophecied time has arrived and i'm so ready to break free of my infinite loop of "baby's first hello world" posting
if somebody could just point me towards the break glass in case of big brother emergency sledgehammer, i can get started
...that's the thing about bootstraps, though; somebody else better be doing the pulling because the physics of doing it yourself? not looking very good
so instead, i'll pick up my glockenspiel mallet and start chipping away at the glass box i've put around myself
nobody goes to a museum to look at a blank notebook on a pedestal
an empty spiralbound serves only to teach the history of dead trees, sacrificed in vain to save you from your firebreathing precalc teacher
i am scared of blank spaces (don't even bring taylor swift into this)
i've spent so long staring at them that they are a magic eye puzzle to me, and i've never seen the dolphin, sorry
there's so much i could've done instead, like brush up on my german, organize a bookshelf, do some dishes - why are there always dishes? 
but life is not made up of blank pages
by the time you think you've found a place to start, oops it's covered, flip the page, try again (again, again)
there is value in the dirty converse, mossy bricks, and accumulated filth of life experience
i can't start on purpose to save my life, but somehow i already have, and forgotten that i could
i've written when nobody is looking, scribbled where nobody cares, hummed a tune that nobody caught on tape
i can take that clean pristine starched jean notebook from the pedestal
and replace it with the hundreds of pages of dirty, crumpled, ripped, scribbled out, crumb-covered words which i already wrote
and some of them are even a little good if i do say so myself
(i usually do)

so to wrap up (and believe you me there's enough here to wrap an entire family of dessicated cats)
i want to turn and stare directly through the glass
to look through the window pane that separates you and i and give it a little tippytap
i've seen where they put up aging sticky notes that say you shouldn't do that
you wouldn't want to cause a meek, captivated critter's heart to race
but today, after years of respectful obedience, i must give in to the urge
i can glimpse beauty beyond where i am sat
and i want to acknowledge it, because if i know one thing
  it's that the corrosive nature of silence leads to regret
        (thanks melissa joan hart's mom)
so today, i

  --*-- tap --*--
    --*-- tap --*-- 
      --*-- tap --*--

ope, don't be frightened
i see you, gentle bird

i'm not much of a birdspotter myself
    but i don't need to be great uncle ed to know
          a tiny flying dinosaur when i see one
so whether you're a flighty voyeur
      or a twitterpated cheerleader
  a grackley iridescent stranger
        or a columbian bluebird of friendliness

don't be shy,
  i'm watching over you
i've made a spot in this birdhouse

i share a palmful of breadcrumbs and a heating pad

so please nest here a while if you like
i welcome the company

this page is no longer intentionally left blank,
    and i look forward to it getting
        messier by the day



it is a hot breezeless night
in hill country april
which is to say
it is a night

trees brood in the dark
creak and scratch
sway and bend
shedding precious golden pollen
with no real emotion or care

the masked children have come and gone
the altar of debris licked clean
redhanded and disbanded
another successful meeting
they resume their crepuscular parade route

across the river
a lone coyote
on its own
singular in its solo-ness
dials a number into the wind
no one picks up

the crickets are merry and wild
they laugh at the coyote, care not for his troubles
they have each other forever
whirling and writhing and shrieking
reveling and reeling and stinking
this party will never end

pan back to reveal the house
which the trees cannot reach
the raccoons have marched past
the coyote has never seen
the crickets crawl carelessly across
we focus on a window above the garage
slowly zooming in, until we melt like voyeuristic specters through the panes

the night world is full of life, as it ought to be
and the window is closed, as it ought to be

a well-furnished cage of glass and wood
a humane harbor for young souls
nestled and cherished and protected
wrapped in fabric and cushioned for landing
already embarked on the ship bound for dreams
safely sailing past the oneiric horizon
trapped carefully to weather out this time of earthly misdeed

but all are not safe
the trap is sprung
and one escaped

across the room, my back is turned but i can sense it

faintly, though it feigns sleep, i can hear
lungs whirring to dispel the warm air
i sympathize, i empathize

lonely as a coyote
a single hypnotic eye
peering from the anxious darkness
reflecting in the window
reflecting in my thoughts

clever as a raccoon
though it seems unlikely, there it sits
neurons firing with the power of bottled lightning
yes thoughts
no thoughts
never maybe

waiting like the crickets
black beetle carapace, slick and hard
minerals and substances mutilated from their natural form
joined together to make a clicking, clattering abomination

i should be cocooned in softness
back turned to the beast
ignoring its cry for attention

but i am no longer waiting to emerge
i am ready to be merged
infused to the core with an energy beyond comprehension
a newer, older man
parts of me invisible to the eye
but attune yourself, speak the words and you will see

i have opened a window
but not a window of glass and protection
i have not invited the night into this room
i have opened a window
of backlit color and wonders unseen
i have invited the world into this room

i sit here
hunched in a full-sized bed, cross-legged
and leglessly crossing the world

i know not whose house i am standing in now
nor whether they have invited me or i am intruding
i know only that i have entered another world
where they know me only as
kc kool

wearing somebody else's clothes
masquerading yet free
